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The Phrasal Verb 'Sort Out' Explained

Updated: Dec 30, 2024

An explanation of the different meanings of the English phrasal verb 'sort out' from a native speaker, with lots of examples in context

A selection of records in a store sorted out into categories

Photo: Pixels

Hello and welcome to my website for English learners all about phrasal verbs where I explain their different meanings to help you understand, learn and use them.

The featured phrasal verb in this post is 'to sort out', which is a relatively informal phrasal with a number of different meanings and usages. Across these different meanings there is a general theme though, which will hopefully help to help you understand and make sense of them. So, without further ado, let's take a look at them....

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SORT OUT: KEY INFORMATION For more explanation of the terms in the table , click here 



Number of meanings


Past tense forms

Sorted out / sorted out



Colourful wooden letters scattered on a white surface, including ABC in the centre.

Photo: Pixels


A great way to start our exploration of the phrasal verb 'sort out' is to consider the words 'sort' and 'out' and what they mean individually.

Firstly, we have the base verb 'to sort', which can mean either 'to arrange something into categories' (think of a hat in a famous literary school for magicians) or to resolve a problem or difficulty.

Playing cards scattered on the ground

John sorted the playing cards into different suits.
I need to sort all these old clothes before tomorrow.
I have managed to sort the problem with the computer.
How did you manage to sort that issue so quickly?

Next, we have the prepositional particle 'out', which is a widespread and common word in English that can function as a preposition, adverb, adjective and even a verb! When used in phrasal verb constructions, 'out' can emphasise the ideas of movement to an external space (go out), exhaustion (run out), revelation (find out), removal (cut out), expansion (spread out) and exclusion (leave out), among other things.

So, following that short introduction, let's take a look at the idiomatic usages of 'sort out' and how us native speakers use it....


MEANING 1: To arrange into categories

Colourful pencils sorted by hue on a black shelf, including green, gold, red, white, and black.

Photo: Pixels

CEFR Language Level

B2 - Upper Intermediate



Where is it used?


Potential synonyms

To sort, to arrange, to organise



As we have just seen in the previous section, one of the main meanings of the verb 'to sort' is to arrange something into categories or types and you'll be pleased to know that this first meaning of the phrasal verb 'sort out' means the exact same thing 😀.

I sorted the playing cards out into different suits.
John helped Helen sort out the clothes into colour groups.

You will see from the examples above that it is perfectly fine to separate 'sort' and 'out' (like in the first example) with no difference in meaning.

Moreover, don't forget that the preposition 'into' is also required to specify the end category or group.


So, you may be wondering why native speakers add the extra word 'out' when 'to sort' alone means the same thing?

While it is true that these two variations can be interchangeable with no difference in meaning, sometimes native speakers will add 'out' for extra emphasis.

In other instances however, 'sort out' does have a different meaning to 'sort', which you should be aware of.

In a situation where we want to separate or remove one type of item from the others, we would use 'sort out' rather than 'sort'.

A pile of clothes that needs to be sorted out
Photo: Pixels

Imagine that you have some old clothes that you want to check through in order to decide which items you want to keep and which you want to throw away. In this instance you would say that you are sorting out the clothes that you no longer want. Using 'to sort' for this sounds incomplete as the particle 'out' adds the extra element or idea of separation.

I need to sort out the clothes that I am taking on holiday with me.
Lisa has finally sorted out which items she will donate to the charity shop.
The librarian sorted out the returned books into their respective genres.
Can you help me sort out the laundry into whites, colours, and delicates?
We need to sort out these files into different folders based on the year.

MEANING 2: To resolve a problem

A green arrow pointing towards solutions and a red arrow pointing towards problems

Photo: Pixels

​CEFR Language Level

​B2 - Upper intermediate



Where is it used?


Potential synonyms

To sort, to resolve



Commonly used with

Mess, things, problem, issue

As I mentioned before, 'to sort' has two main meanings in English: the first is to arrange something and the second is to resolve a problem. Luckily for you English learners, the second meaning of 'to sort out' is also the same meaning as the second meaning of 'sort', i.e. to resolve a problem or issue.

Nouns commonly used with this application:

  • Mess

  • Things

  • Problem

  • Issue


The short answer here is no. Both variations can be used interchangeably without any change in meaning, however like with the previous meaning, native speakers will often add the word 'out' for emphasis.

From my own perspective, I think that 'sort out' is often used by native speakers when the problem or issue is a complicated or difficult one and we tend to use 'sort' more for issues that are easier or quicker to resolve.


We often use 'sort out' with the word 'mess', which can either mean an untidy physical space like a typical teenager's bedroom or a complex situation with lots or problems. We can therefore use 'sort out' to talk about tidying the messy, untidy space as well as to resolve a complicated issue.

A red heart on a white background
Photo: Pixels


For the romantics among you, if us native speakers want to talk about resolving problems in a relationship, we will often say that we need to 'sort things out'.

From a formality perspective, I would say that this meaning of 'sort out' is very informal. We do use it in business English, however in more formal situations and on formal documentation it should be avoided and an alternative like 'to resolve' should be used instead.

Did you manage to sort out the customer's problem?
Helen, your bedroom is a terrible mess! Sort it out!
John and Roger have sorted out their differences and they are now best friends again.
Lisa and her husband are trying to sort things out.

MEANING 3: To organise or arrange something

Colourful 2025 planner with open calendar page, pen on top. Yellow background, keyboard, and mouse visible.
Photo: Pixels

​CEFR Language Level

B2 - Upper Intermediate



Where is it used?


Potential synonyms

To organise, to arrange



Our third meaning of 'sort out' is to organise or arrange something, such as an event or a party. The focus here is on doing what is necessary in order for the event to happen.

Imagine that you arranging a surprise birthday party for a family member and you need to book a DJ for the music, book a suitable venue for the party, organise the decoration of the venue and invite the guests. For all of these you could say that you need to sort them out....

We have managed to sort out a great venue for my daughter's party next week.
I haven't sorted out a DJ or the decorations yet. I need to sort both of those out this weekend!

This meaning is a definite variation of the previous idiomatic meaning of resolving a problem as here we are resolving the specific problem of something not yet being organised.


MEANING 4: To provide something for someone

One pair of hands holding a money bag and another pair of hands holding a house

Photo: Pixels

CEFR Language Level

C1 - Advanced



Where is it used?

British English

Potential synonyms

To obtain, to provide, to supply



In informal British English, it is also possible to use 'sort out' to mean to provide someone with something that they need. This is normally something that in not easy to obtain or could possibly even be something illegal. Since it is informal, I would not recommend using this in business English, where an alternative such as 'provide' or 'supply' would be much more appropriate.

This is often followed by the preposition 'with' to talk about the item that is to be provided.

I couldn't find any gym equipment anywhere but luckily my personal trainer was able to sort me out with some.
The IT department were able to sort my manager out with a new printer.
The mechanic sorted out a new car for my brother after he crashed his old one.

MEANING 5: To punish someone

Child in black shirt crosses arms, looking displeased. A hand points at them.

Photo: Pixels

CEFR Language Level

C1 - Advanced



Where is it used?

British English

Potential synonyms

To punish, to tell off, to admonish



The final meaning that we are looking at in this post is to 'sort someone out', meaning 'to punish someone' or 'to stop someone who is causing you a problem'. This is normally by using physical force but sometimes can be by shouting at them.

Again, the underlying idea of this meaning is to resolve a problem but this time it is a problem that another person has caused or is causing you. This usage is also very informal and like with the previous meanings, it should be avoided when in formal situations or in business English.

His parents will sort him out when he gets home.
The coach promised to sort out any players who broke the rules during the game.
Don’t worry about the bully; I’ll sort him out if he bothers you again.
The gang leader sent his men to sort out anyone who didn’t pay their protection money.
Hands hold colourful balloon letters spelling "BONUS" against a light blue background.
Photo: Pixels


In British English it is also possible to use 'sort out' as a noun, in which case it is spelt sort-out, with a hyphen.

We normally 'have a sort-out' when we are looking through our possessions in order to decide what to keep and what to throw away. It is an alternative way to say "to have a spring clean" if you are familiar with that expression.

I have too much stuff in my bedroom. I really must have a sort-out!
A mixed British & American flag
Photo: Pixels


If you can memorise some of the sentences below and use them in a conversation, it will help your English to come across as more natural:

I need to sort out which [noun] I am taking on holiday with me.
[Pronoun] is sorting out the issue.
Do you think you can sort it out by [time]
We are trying to sort things / it out.
That cupboard is so full. It really needs sorting out.
We've managed to sort out the problem.
When I have a headache, paracetamol and fresh air really sort me out.
Can you do this while I sort this customer out.
I am going to have a sort-out at home this weekend.
Confetti in various colours scattered over "FINALLY!" text on a white background.
Photo: Pixels

ONE FINAL NOTE: Sort out vs Sought out

Before I finish the post, I just want to make you aware of one more thing. Make sure you that do not confuse 'sort out' with 'sought out', which is the past form of the phrasal verb 'to seek out'. The pronunciation of 'sought out' is exactly the same as 'sort out', so it is good to be aware that both of these exist. It is worth remembering that both past forms of sort out are sorted out, so if you do hear 'sought out' in a past context, you can be fairly sure it is the past of 'seek out'.

Yellow paper with "Thank you!" written in black script and a red heart. Blurry red and black pens in the background.

Photo: Pixels

We have now reached the end of this post and I just want to say thank you for clicking on my post and reading it. I hope that you've enjoyed it and have been able to learn something new. If you enjoyed this post, please go ahead and check out some of my other posts.

Now it is YOUR turn. Can you think of a sentence yourself using 'sort out'. Write it in the comments section below if you can, or alternatively any comments, suggestions or feedback that you may have....don't be shy!!!

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